The Conservative Union

Welcome to the official blog of the Conservative Union at UW-Milwaukee. Conservatism at its finest - displayed through politics and public opinion.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Rose Revolutions and American Appreciation

George W. Bush received a hero's welcome in the country of Georgia. Hundreds of thousands of Georgians waited in line to hear the President speak on freedom and democracy. However, you won't hear about the massive turnout by most MSM now will you? It's hard to bypass the overwhelming support that GW receives throughout much of Eastern Europe, amid reports that the world is against George W. Bush.

Here are just a few lines from GW's speech given to the people of Georgia:

"You gathered here armed with nothing but roses and the power of your
convictions and you claimed your liberty. And because you acted, Georgia is
today both sovereign and free and a beacon of liberty for this region and the

“In recent months, the world has marveled at the hopeful changes taking
place from Baghdad to Beirut to Bishket. But before there was a Purple
Revolution in Iraq or an Orange Revolution in Ukraine or a Cedar Revolution in
Lebanon, there was the Rose Revolution in Georgia.”

'Now across the Caucasus, in central Asia and the broader Middle East we
see the same desire of liberty burning in the hearts of young people. They are
demanding their freedom, and they will have it."

Bush succeeded in rocking the delighted crowd with his speech as well as "gettin' down with his bad self". A must see for some GW dance moves. Once again, Bush continues to promote freedom and democracy around the world!


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