The Conservative Union

Welcome to the official blog of the Conservative Union at UW-Milwaukee. Conservatism at its finest - displayed through politics and public opinion.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

And the Oscar goes to...

Dianne Feinstein for her leading role in the Supreme Court nomination hearings on John Roberts. Feinstein (D - California) played the part of "over-the-top, concerned person of the common people" by asking the tough questions, or perhaps maybe they were not really questions, but self-praising anecdotes about herself. George Will of the Washington Post certainly thinks so in his Op/Ed piece:

Now, some people might think that detachment is a good thing in a judge -- that it might be the virtue called judiciousness. Never mind. Feinstein's real worry is, she said, Roberts's failure to explain how he planned to be "in touch" with "the problems real people have out there." She was dismayed by the inadequacy of his discussion of "the importance of reaching out to communities that he normally would not be in contact with, and spending time to understand the problems that average people face, in my communities of Hunters Point, of East L.A., of some of the agriculture areas of our state." ...

Feinstein should have been more fluent because she was talking, as senators are wont to do, about . . . herself. Some of her "questions" to Roberts were a familiar form of preening, of moral exhibitionism. They were an example of how liberals compete, mostly among themselves, in the sensitivity sweepstakes. She might as well have simply said: Look here, Roberts, are you or are you not in my league as a world-class reacher-outer to, and a stayer-in-touch with, plain people?

Cue the violin.

Will does a great job in this article highlighting the liberal's false "cause for the common man" - check out his full article.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Not This Guy Again

John Kerry is many things...President is not one of them. However, Kerry is still bitter about the Presidential election of 2004, in which he made more bungles than Enron execs in an Accounting class.

In fact, Kerry might still be thinking about another run at President in '08! Don't believe me? Kerry insists on still taking shots at the current administration - lambasting the President and everyone within his administration - while sitting on the sidelines.

His latest comments on his website slammed the President including an email to supporters with a fundraising appeal:

“Michael Brown… is to Katrina what Paul Bremer is to peace in Iraq; what George
Tenet is to slam-dunk intelligence; what Paul Wolfowitz is to parades paved with
flowers in Baghdad; what Dick Cheney is to visionary energy policy; what Donald
Rumsfeld is to basic war planning; what Tom Delay [R-Texas] is to ethics; and
what George Bush is to ‘Mission Accomplished’ and ‘Wanted Dead or Alive.’”

The response from the RNC sums up the bickering coming from the mouth of John Kerry:

“John Kerry's attacks on President Bush's efforts to assist the victims and
rebuild the Gulf Coast don't come as a surprise. Armchair quarterbacking on
tough issues has never been a problem for Senator Kerry. The American people
have pulled together during a difficult time and Democrats’ efforts to
politicize this tragedy are unsavory at best.”

Please, John, everyone has had enough of you - just ask your campaign staff who ultimately scoff at the notion that you'd try another unsuccessful run for President again. If you can't beat a guy who had many knocks against him in '04, what makes you think you can beat a potentially stronger candidate in '08?? Why don't you report for duty some place else, like the Senate floor?