The Conservative Union

Welcome to the official blog of the Conservative Union at UW-Milwaukee. Conservatism at its finest - displayed through politics and public opinion.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Let the President Finish His Term

Political extremists rarely think clearly. In fact, their blind hatred of a certain ideology or person clouds and distorts their views, causing them to be hypocritical at the very least. I find this to be true among the Bush-haters. Now, I'm not talking about those who dislike Bush and his policies and want someone else in office. Rather, I'm speaking of the lunatics who in their seething hatred of the man would cheer at his assassination - and even will for it to happen. Believe me, they are out there. Yet, if these people took a step back and realized the results of their wishes, they might refrain and redirect their position and let Mr. Bush finish his term. Even then, I doubt that they'd change their minds. Extremists just don't think! However, an article written by a level-headed liberal (yes, they are out there - although hard to find) produced 10 reasons not to kill Bush.

So, click on the link. Read the article. One good point: it is mind-boggling to "understand the logical contortions some people must go through to be anti-death penalty yet pro-assassination." Also, all across college campuses it seems that most students are liberals although they don't know why. Hey, being "liberal" is the cool thing to do; yet, a talk with one of these "cool liberals" often produces a confusion - Does this kid really even know why he's liberal? In most cases the answer is no. Most American students' knowledge of our political system comes from late night television and the Daily Show. Is it any wonder, then, that an ignorant American can call for the assassination of their own leader? I digress...

Friday, May 13, 2005

It's Not All Negative...

Each day the American public hears more bad news about the War in Iraq. It can become easy to get caught up in all the publicity that portrays Iraq as a pool of chaos. However, with all the MSM covering the stories of death and terror, successes are often overlooked and thrown to the wayside.

Iraq is seeing victories daily, so why not put that side-by-side with the setbacks? If the MSM refuses to report it, then it's our responsibility to acknowledge these achievements. Here are just a few of the stories that never found it to the frontpages in just the month of April alone:

April 3rd: Iraq and Kuwait move to end the longstanding border dispute that led to the Persian Gulf war, establishing a joint commission to decide on the best way to administer the Rumaila oil field.

April 10th: Iraqi security forces announce the capture of Ibrahim Sabawi, a nephew of Saddam Hussein, suspected of playing a major part in financing the insurgency.

April 16th: Ministry of Health announces completed construction of two hospitals in the poorest areas of Baghdad.

April 19th: Educational television channel begins broadcasting again for millions of Iraqi students. The channel had been closed down in 1993 after Uday Hussein confiscated its equipment for his private TV channel.

April 23rd: Two major Sunni political parties that had boycotted January's election, the Iraqi Sunni Accord and the Iraqi Islamic Party, announce they will take part in future votes.

April 29th: Education Department announces it has finished renovating 49 schools and building 22 others in Baghdad's Sadr City slum.

This is just a small selection of the daily achievements in April alone that the Iraqi people are seeing in their unprecedented road to democracy. While I do realize that there is a long way to go and that insurgent attacks should not be downplayed, it is necessary to present the good along with the bad. After all, wouldn't you get tired of hearing bad news all the time?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Rose Revolutions and American Appreciation

George W. Bush received a hero's welcome in the country of Georgia. Hundreds of thousands of Georgians waited in line to hear the President speak on freedom and democracy. However, you won't hear about the massive turnout by most MSM now will you? It's hard to bypass the overwhelming support that GW receives throughout much of Eastern Europe, amid reports that the world is against George W. Bush.

Here are just a few lines from GW's speech given to the people of Georgia:

"You gathered here armed with nothing but roses and the power of your
convictions and you claimed your liberty. And because you acted, Georgia is
today both sovereign and free and a beacon of liberty for this region and the

“In recent months, the world has marveled at the hopeful changes taking
place from Baghdad to Beirut to Bishket. But before there was a Purple
Revolution in Iraq or an Orange Revolution in Ukraine or a Cedar Revolution in
Lebanon, there was the Rose Revolution in Georgia.”

'Now across the Caucasus, in central Asia and the broader Middle East we
see the same desire of liberty burning in the hearts of young people. They are
demanding their freedom, and they will have it."

Bush succeeded in rocking the delighted crowd with his speech as well as "gettin' down with his bad self". A must see for some GW dance moves. Once again, Bush continues to promote freedom and democracy around the world!